Vote the picture which is the best winner one. Indratol team final ma Indratol team final ma प्रबेस |  | Indratol team final ma प्रबेस १४ गते इन्द्रटोल र नौरंगे बिच Darai football final खेल हुदैछ । तपाइ आफ्नो बिजय हुने Team लाई Vote गर्नुहोस् | |
| Naurage Team final प्रबेस |  | Indratol team final ma प्रबेस १४ गते इन्द्रटोल र नौरंगे बिच Darai football final खेल हुदैछ । तपाइ आफ्नो बिजय हुने Team लाई Vote गर्नुहोस् | |
These are the highest rated images in this category: Rank | Picture | | Rating | Number of votes | 1. |  | | 10.00 | 3 | 2. |  | | 10.00 | 1 |
Color caption: Normal | Not rated yet | Green | 8 points or more | Yellow | 6 to 8 points | Dark yellow | 4 to 6 points | Orange | 2 to 4 points | Red | less than 2 points | <= Back to overview